After the unprecedented success of blackberry and iPhone, the latest devices that are attracting immense attention are the Palm Pre and Droid, both taking after the iphone success and launching their own App stores. If you do not know how to write an iPhone app, or your app is not cool enough to meet their stringent top 20 requirements, then you can easily migrate to the Palm OS and get a headstart on the increasing app storefront. Android-based Droid already has more than 20,0000 apps to its credit, and people are raving about Google's OS which promises to be a tough competition for iPhone.
in fact, Dell just released its new Android-based Mini 3iX for their China and Brazilian markets. Without any buttons and a sleek look, it is turning heads, no doubt! And if that's not surprising, try this. Word is out that with a planned launch of Palm Pre in 2010, Verizon is all set to introduce its own Verizon WebOS, just to entice its gadget-driven customers.
Holidays are around the corner, and getting deals on SmartPhones is a coveted desire. if you are into gadgets, but not so much into iPhone, here's a list of competitive iPhone alternatives, ready to get you rolling no matter what cell-phone carrier or network you choose. The increasing amount of apps, and the larger display sizes, plus the added functionality that makes it easier to access, view, store, update and share personal information makes Smartphones a wise choice for the tech-savvy individuals. There are loads of options available out there, and you'll definitely find something to suit your needs and your budget. So start reviewing your choices, and I hope you find your perfect gadget-mate before the Holiday season!
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